Reserve a slip
Rental contract - 1 to 12 months
Opened sale for a limited number of berths on a long-term lease arrangement
Port Marina Baie des Anges | French Riviera
The Port of Marina Baie des Anges was completed in 1970 and since January 1st, 2021 it has been managed by the consortium of Eiffage, Sodeports and the Banque des Territoires, they are responsible for providing a new thrust for the next thirty years. Selected by the Municipality of Villeneuve Loubet, the group will invest nearly €63 million to make the Marina Baie des Anges Port a reference on the French Riviera.Private parking
Harbour master's office
Open 7 days a week - WIFI access - VHF channel 9
Sanitary Facilities
6 toilets - 6 showers - Permanently accessible by an access code, to be requested at the port office - Dishwashing area freely accessible
Fueling station
Located near the shipyard - 7 days a week, all year round - Opening hours
Public careening area and the shipyard managed by the Bleumer Company
- Travelift 75T - 14T mobile crane
- Surveillance and CCTV
- Port agents to ensure the surveillance at night
- Badges to secure access to pontoons
- Closed parking lot
Pavillon Bleu
The Marina Baie des Anges port has been awarded the European Blue Flag for Marinas and is committed to getting the Clean Ports certification and active in biodiversity over the next three years.
The Marina Baie des Anges port is member of the most innovative cruising guide Navily
The Projet
Discover the projet, future spaces for leisure and welcome areas
Discover our price lists for berth : rental or usage guarantee
Map & Access
Discover the port's location and means of access
Discover the activities, shops and services around the port
Contact us by phone, email or find us on facebook
Meteorological Conditions
Recent news
Un petit air de JO à Marina, le groupe RC Marine nouvellement implanté dans notre port sonne le rappel des 170 semi-rigides que le groupe avait mis à disposition de l’organisation des J.O. de Paris
Le pirate blanc se rapproche de nos côtes, il sera à Marina baie des anges le 4 et 5 septembre. Le coffre à jouet est dès à présent disponible au bureau du port. Nous vous attendons nombreux.
Le pirate blanc reprend la mer...... Tous les renseignements sont disponibles au bureau du port Marina Baie des Anges
Port Marina Baie des Anges jour après jour se transforme et s’adapte aux nouvelles attentes des plaisanciers et usagers pour une pratique de la navigation de plaisance multisupports et partagée toujours plus respectueuse de la faune et la flore marine